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Cause and Effect Essay

I. What is a Cause and Effect Essay?

A cause and effect essay is one that shows how two or more events are connected. This type of essay is meant to explain and analyze why something happened or how something occurred. Phrases you may have heard that are similar to cause and effect are action and consequence and chain of events.

II. Examples of a Cause and Effect Essay

Here are some examples of a cause and effect essay.

Example 1

How heat makes water boil. This essay would explain that heat causes additional energy in the water. The effect of adding heat energy to water is that the water turns to vapor. When the water turns to vapor, it forms bubbles in the liquid water.

Example 2

Why brushing your teeth causes good health. This essay would offer facts or data that the bacteria in plaque are unhealthy for you. It would then show that brushing your teeth causes your mouth to have less plaque. The essay would outline a two-step cause and effect: Brushing your teeth has the effect of reducing the amount of plaque in your mouth, and reduced amount of plaque has a positive effect on your health.

Example 3

How the Stamp Act caused anger in the American colonies. This essay would include enough context for the reader to understand the historical time period. It would then present the Stamp Act (A list of unfair taxes) as the cause of colonial anger. The essay would show the effects of the Stamp act by explaining how the colonists protested with violence.


III. Types of Cause and Effect Essays with Topics

Cause and effect essays can be looked at in two broad categories. The first is an essay that examines how multiple causes lead to a single large effect. The second is an essay that shows how one large cause has multiple effects.

a. Multiple causes leading to one effect

Example 1 “Why Gorillas are Endangered”

This essay would examine the causes that combine to create a single effect: a low number of Gorillas. The writer could identify three main causes: loss of habitat, poaching, and war. One paragraph would explain how habitat loss makes it harder for gorillas to find food. A second paragraph would show that people kill gorillas for trophies and food. A third paragraph would state that gorillas are killed by bombs and landmines when people are at war in the area. The essay would conclude by combining the evidence of these three causes, to explain how it endangers gorillas.

Other topics for this type of cause and effect essay are:

b. One cause leading to multiple effects

Example 2 “How Exercise Improves your Health”

An essay of this type would be about how exercise can have several positive effects on your health.

The essay would begin by defining what exercise is, and explain how common exercises are performed. The writer would then focus, one paragraph at a time, on several positive effects of exercise. For instance, there could be a paragraph about how exercise leads to a healthier heart. Evidence to support the connection between exercise and a healthy heart would be included. Another paragraph would show the effect that exercise can have on muscle strength and bone density. A third paragraph would give evidence that exercise causes a reduction in stress. The essay would end by connecting these three effects back to the same single cause: Exercise.

Other topics for this type of cause and effect essay are:


IV. Parts of a cause and effect essay

a. Thesis

A thesis is a clear statement about what your essay will show. In the cause of a cause and effect essay, a thesis will include both the cause(s) and the effect(s) that will be explained later in the essay.


b. Context or starting point

The writer must give the readers enough background information so that they can follow the thesis and understand the value of the information.


c. An action or event

This is a central part of a cause and effect essay. The action or event needs to be described in such a way that the reader can understand what the action or event caused.


d. The consequence or effect

The effect of the event must be described in a cause and effect essay.



V. Tips for writing a strong cause and effect essay

a. Clearly identify the causes and effects for the reader

A strong cause and effect essay identifies the cause(s) and effect(s) for the reader. Remember that a cause is the reason; it explains why something happened. Meanwhile, an effect is what happened or the result.

a. Determine the type of cause and effect essay

The topic of a cause and effect essay must be a single idea. Once you have chosen the single idea, you should determine if it is more useful to analyze it as a cause or as an effect (See Part III above).

Look at the table below. In the column on the left, we have essays with a single cause and multiple effects. In the column on the right, we have essays with multiple causes creating a single effect.

Topic as ‘cause’ TOPIC Topic as ‘effect’
How being healthy effects a person’s lifestyle


Health Things a person can do to achieve health


The benefits of farming


Seed growth The elements of farming


As you can see, topics can be looked at from either standpoint, but an essay normally only focuses on one. It can become confusing to write and read an essay that covers multiple effects and multiple causes! So, be sure that you know the central topic and which type of essay structure you are using.


c. Explain and analyze instead of just listing effects and causes

A strong cause and effect essay does more than just list information. It also analyzes how the information fits together, and explains the important parts to the reader. The explanation is often combined with the ‘effect’ part of the essay. This part of the essay is the evidence or reasoning that allows the reader to connect the cause with the effect clearly.

Example 1:

Incomplete:  Listing information without explanation

Exercise, like running, is good for your heart and lungs. A healthy cardiovascular system is important for your health, so running is good for you.

Complete: Explaining the cause (running) and effect (health) sequence connecting the information

Exercise, like running, is good for your heart and lungs. This is because running makes the heart and lungs work hard. The hard work of running makes them become stronger. A stronger heart and lungs means a healthier cardiovascular system. Therefore, running is good for you.


Example 2:

Incomplete: Listing information without explanation

Poaching kills too many gorillas. Because of poachers, there are fewer gorillas in the wild, and they become endangered.

Complete: Explaining the effect (fewer gorillas will be born) of poaching (cause)

Poaching kills too many gorillas. Poaching removes not only the gorilla, but future generations as well. Gorillas have an average of three babies in their lifetime. Because of poachers, there are fewer gorillas in the wild. Even worse, there will be fewer gorillas born in the future.

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