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When & How to Tell a Story

How to tell a Story

Using a story is one of the most natural things you do every day, and although you may not actively think about it, whenever you tell a story you should:

  1. Choose a perspective. Most stories are told in narrative form, which basically means that the narrator (not necessarily the author) is telling the story to an audience from a certain perspective. When you’re telling a story to your friends, you are the narrator, but the perspective may or may not be yours. So, that leads to different narrative styles, or ways to tell a story, like first person or third person narration.
  2. Include a plot. This is the main series of events within the story and affects what kind of story it is.
  3. Include characters. These are the people, things, concepts, or animals within the story.
  4. Include a setting. This should be the time or place of the story.
  5. Set up the characters and setting in a timeline that shares the events in some kind of logical order.


When to tell a Story

When do we tell stories? Well, the simplest answer is “all the time!” But, more specifically, we tell a story when we want to report events, and usually we want to report them for a purpose. You can use stories to…

This list could go on forever. We tell stories constantly, for all different reasons and in all sorts of ways!

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