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When & How to Write an Epiphany

How to Write an Epiphany

In order to use epiphany,

  1. Begin with a story rooted in an everyday occurrence.
  2. Insert a moment of revelation, or epiphany, into the story.

For example, consider a boy who is mowing the lawn.

Everyday occurrence:

A boy is mowing the lawn.

Moment of epiphany:

He realizes he wants to be an engineer.

Story with epiphany:

A boy is mowing the lawn when he begins thinking about the last math problem he had in class. He realizes that he would be happier if he were working on math rather than doing chores. At that moment, he decides he’s going to become an engineer.

Moments of epiphany can come at any time. Perhaps being busied with chores made this boy realize what he would ultimately rather be doing: engineering work.

For another example, imagine a woman who is stuck in traffic on the way to work.

Everyday occurrence:

A woman is stuck in traffic on her way to work.

Moment of epiphany:

She realizes she does not want to go to her office in the accounting firm, and that her true calling is to be a hairdresser.

Story with epiphany:

A woman is stuck in major traffic on her way to work. Sitting uncomfortably in her car, she realizes she does not want to go to her office in the accounting firm, and that her true calling is to be a hairdresser. That day, she gives her two weeks’ notice before quitting and attending beauty school.

In this example, boredom in traffic is what gives way to an exciting and life-changing epiphany.  


When to use Epiphany

Epiphany is a remarkable device in that it occurs rarely. Epiphany, by definition, should arise in the character’s mind miraculously and suddenly, often in the midst of everyday activities. Because epiphany is such a momentous occurrence, it should only occur in stories rarely. Often, epiphanies are used as a turning point before a story’s conclusion. Usually, epiphanies occur towards the end of a story, after rising action, and after a character has struggled through life without the revelation. After the epiphany, the story can be concluded as the character has seen things in a new light and has made positive life changes due to that realization.

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