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When & How to Write Autobiography

How to Write Autobiography

If a person decides to write an autobiography, the first step is writing down key points to share. Ideally, the autobiography will have a purpose: to entertain, inform, persuade, or educate. Once this is determined, it will be easier to decide what is most important. Creating a timeline of events may help keep the manuscript in order and easy to follow. Keep in mind that autobiographies are very flexible. There are many types and ways to write one. A full traditional autobiography may not be required if only a few years or events are of real interest.

Once the timeline is created, then the writer may want to do an outline. It doesn’t need to be very detailed, but jotting down notes and ideas based on the timeline would help make the writing smooth, organized, and on track. Using names, places, and dates will help readers follow along, as well as make the story more credible. Additionally, using descriptive details and some dialogue will aid in building a good read. Humor, anger, sadness, etc. are all good emotions to put into the autobiography. Using words and scenes to create feelings in readers will also make a better story.


When to Use Autobiography

Autobiographies are used whenever a person believes they have something worthy to share with society. However, anyone who feels the need to write down his or her life story has the freedom to do so. There are many new self-publishing sites available for writers who would like to have their stories published. The era of the eBook has made anyone who wants to be creative able to express their thoughts for all to read. Ideally, when a person has lived through events that could be life-learning for others, this would be a good time to write an autobiography. This is why memoirs are popular – they offer a chance to share a specific time or event with others rather than a whole lifetime that may not have as much interest.

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